What to Do When You Become Pregnant?

What to Do When You Become Pregnant?

If you are trying to get pregnant and have succeeded, you should feel fortunate and embrace the joy of this moment. Many individuals face fertility issues and, despite undergoing treatment, may struggle to conceive. When you learn about your pregnancy, the first thing you should do is have a gynecological examination. The initial examination during pregnancy, if you have no specific complaints, can be conducted around the 6-7 weeks of pregnancy or 10-15 days after your missed period. Through this examination, you can find out:

  • Is the pregnancy in the uterus or ectopic?
  • Is it a singleton or multiple pregnancies?
  • Is the intrauterine pregnancy properly located?
  • Is there blood type incompatibility?
  • Are there any fibroids, cysts, uterine anomalies, or systemic diseases that could affect the continuation of pregnancy?
  • How many weeks pregnant are you, and what is the expected due date?
  • How often should the follow-up appointments be conducted, and what tests need to be performed?
  • During this examination, you can ask your doctor questions about nutrition, exercise, and any other concerns you may have.

In the first examination during pregnancy, the following tests are usually requested:

  • Complete blood count and blood type determination
  • Complete urine analysis and urine culture
  • Fasting blood sugar
  • HBs Ag (Hepatitis B test)
  • HIV test
  • TORCH (Tests for diseases like Toxoplasmosis, Chickenpox, Scarlet fever, Mumps, Cold sores, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex virus type 2)
  • Glucose challenge test (with 50 grams of glucose at 24-28 weeks of gestation)
  • Indirect Coombs test (for Rh incompatibility)
  • Thyroid function tests

We wish you a healthy pregnancy and childbirth. We recommend not neglecting regular pregnancy follow-up appointments.

For inquiries on these matters, you can contact Dr. Müstecep Kavrut at 0532 431 03 06 or 0212 310 31 00.

To obtain detailed information and assistance on this topic, you can schedule free preliminary meetings at our center. Feel free to ask your questions by providing your phone number and email address, or by filling out our consultation form, and we will get back to you with detailed information and assistance.

What to Do When You Become Pregnant?
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